I am quickly realizing how important it is, especially in this day and age of technology and instant access to people (and work) at all times, to go on holiday and truly enjoy the essence of being on holiday!
While I might seem hypocritical at this moment, posting a blog about not working while on vacation, while I am on vacation, I am relaxed and this is not working :)
I am simply taking less than 5 minutes to share a few images of one of my homes (Colorado) with family and friends while my mom gives the kiddos a bath (aww, how sweet, I just heard Grandma ask the kids which soap they want to wash with and the kids just said "Mommy's soap". I love those cornball moments :)
I hope everyone realizes how important it is to take their vacations, truly enjoy some time off and most important of all, enjoy their loved ones.
Have a great week everyone!

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